"I benefit from the Mr. Potato Head syndrome. Put a wig and a nose and glasses on me, and I disappear." - Phil Hartman
You've arrived at Potato Head Syndrome, a fanlisting for the multi-talented, multi-tasking Phillip Edward Hartmann (aka: Phil Hartman). To give you some idea of all Phil gave to the world, this place is approved under three categories at The Fanlistings Network: Actors, Arts and Design (Graphic Arts/Artists) and Authors/Writers.
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 22nd January 2025
Member count: 11, from 1 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Jef
Aykroyd, Dan
Brando, Marlon
Brody, Adrien
Chase, Chevy
Fallon, Jimmy
Ferrell, Will
Fey, Tina
Green, Seth
Hammond, Darrell
Meyers, Seth
Morris, Garrett
Orbach, Jerry
Oteri, Cheri
Poehler, Amy
Sandler, Adam
Saturday Night Live
Spade, David
Wiest, Dianne
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