The Song


You have arrived at Confusing What Is Real, a fanlisting for the song Crawling by my favorite band, Linkin Park. Approved by The Fanlistings Network, under Songs: Bands/Groups. I am grateful to Mal for allowing me to adopt this FL. I kept the name she gave it, because it was perfect.

Fanlisting Stats

Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 30th December 2024
Member count: 16, from 5 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Alina


  • Cross Off (Mark Morton ft Chester Bennington)
  • Human Nature (Michael Jackson)
  • Leave Out All the Rest (Linkin Park)
  • Papercut (Linkin Park)
  • Waiting for the End (Linkin Park)

  • Interested? Please use this form, or email

    What is a Fanlisting?

    According to The Fanlistings Network:
    "A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. Fanlistings do not have to be large sites (although some are) - they are just a place where you can have your name listed along with other fans of the same subject. is the original (but not only) web directory for fanlistings, dedicated to uniting fans across the globe."